Message from The Chair

 In NGA Newsletter | Message From The Chair

Greetings Everyone!

I’m excited to begin my tenure as chair of NGA during our 10th anniversary year. I look forward to building on the significant progress we have made as an association and industry over the past decade. Our focus will remain on awareness, advocacy and customer satisfaction as we represent an industry that delivers clean, reliable and affordable energy and solutions to millions of Georgia customers, creating billions in economic impact.  Here are our primary areas of focus for 2025:

  • Advocacy & Public Awareness We have a compelling story to share, and it’s essential that our customers, elected officials and community stakeholders hear it! We will continue to advocate for sensible energy policies that keep energy and end use equipment affordable and reliable.

As an example of our 2025 initiatives, on December 26, 2024, the DOE published a rule banning non-condensing tankless water heaters. This rule would deny customers a cost-effective, high efficiency option for their homes and businesses and threaten the only tankless water heater manufacturing facility in the U.S. – a 2-year-old, $70 million, 300,000-sq. ft. plant in Griffin, Georgia. NGA joined the lawsuit against the DOE and is working with local leaders to garner further support.


  • Membership Growth & Engagement NGA is stronger with representation from the entire natural gas value chain. Interstate pipelines, utilities, marketers, construction contractors, gas equipment manufacturers and vendors all face unique challenges. Policies affecting one part of this value chain end up ripple through the entire industry. In 2025, we aim to broaden our representation, bringing more construction and vendor representation into the group to better advocate for natural gas.


  • RNG & Innovation We are witnessing the emergence of RNG projects across the state. This presents an opportunity to bring local natural gas supply into Georgia, spur community investment, provide revenue to farmers and businesses and create sustainability solutions for our customers. NGA will continue to focus on policy and best practices that enable Georgia to capitalize on this tremendous opportunity.


I’m excited to see what this year brings and look forward to seeing everyone at the summit in April!


Carl Garofalo

Board Chair

Natural Gas Association of Georgia

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