Natural gas bills vary by marketer and service provider (local city or utility) therefore descriptions and charges may be different. Below are descriptions and charges that are typically found on marketer natural gas bills.
If you receive your natural gas from a Municipal gas system the charges usually are identified as usage (CCF, MCF, or therm). To calculate your bill, multiply your natural gas usage by your per unit gas rate. The base charge is a fixed monthly charge that remains the same each month while the usage charge varies depending on the amount of natural gas used.
Reading Your Natural Gas Meter
Read only those dials with numbers, starting from the left. If the arrow is between numbers, read the lesser number (the number 9 is less than 0). The reading for this example is 2984.
Natural gas costs typically make up the largest portion of your bill, particularly during the heating season. This is the charge for the natural gas you use during the billing month. It is calculated by multiplying your natural gas usage (therms used) by your per therm gas rate. Following are descriptions and charges that are found on natural gas bills.
This charge represents the cost associated with delivering natural gas to your premise, which include maintaining pipelines, storing natural gas and reading meters. Charges are the same regardless of your natural gas provider and are not dependent on your current month’s natural gas usage.
Fee for maintaining your account that includes the cost of generating and mailing your bill, customer service and other account maintenance functions.
Actual natural gas used during a billing period measured in hundreds of cubic feet.
An estimation of the amount of capacity needed to deliver natural gas to your premise on the coldest day of the year. Used to calculate your Pass Through Charges.
Price you pay for each therm used.
Amount of natural gas you consume, usage (CCF) multiplied by the BTU factor.
Amount of heat energy in the natural gas is stated in BTUs. This number is multiplied by the amount of natural gas used (CCF) to calculate the actual energy supplied by the natural gas (therms).
This is a transportation charge that is based on Designated Design Day Capacity (DDDC) and bills a full interstate pipeline capacity charge for each service period regardless of the number of days of service.
Other fees on your natural gas bill will include state and local taxes. Consumers may also be assessed penalty fees for insufficient funds, a nonrefundable fee for a payment not accepted by your bank; a late charge, if your natural gas bill is past due; or an early termination fee if you cancel early on a fixed rate plan. Plus, new or returning customers may be subject to a service connection fee to establish natural gas service.