Messages From The Chair
I am pleased to share the latest quarterly update on the progress of the Natural Gas Association of Georgia. I am excited to report that we have made significant strides towards our 2024 goals. Here are the key updates:
- Membership Efforts: Our membership efforts have seen strong momentum, with some key additions and continued growth from our municipal program. This growth demonstrates the value and importance of our work in the natural gas industry.
- PAC and Funding: Our Political Action Committee (PAC) remains active and growth in funding, enabling us to effectively advocate for our industry’s interests. This support ensures we have a voice with policymakers and support candidates aligned with our objectives.
- Sponsorship and Events Committee: We have established a dedicated Sponsorship and Events Committee, which is actively planning engaging events and securing sponsorships. We have already achieved 65% progress towards our sponsorship goal.
- Partnership with the Georgia Gas Section: We have initiated plans to partner with the Georgia Gas Section on an operations-focused event. This partnership will expand our membership by targeting operators and strengthening our industry connections.
- Expanded Engagement with Operations Executives: To attract more vendors, we have intensified our engagement with operations executives. By highlighting the benefits of collaboration, we aim to expand our network and foster innovation.
- Marketing Campaign Execution: Our marketing campaign is in full swing, raising awareness of our association and its value. Through targeted messaging and strategic platforms, we are increasing visibility and attracting potential members.
- Successful Legislation Session: Our collective advocacy efforts during the recent legislation session have yielded favorable outcomes for the natural gas industry in Georgia. Together with industry leaders, we have had a positive impact on shaping our sector’s future.
As we progress through the year, I want to express our excitement for the upcoming NGA Summit. Engaging with our members and celebrating our accomplishments together promises to make it a memorable event.
Thank you for your unwavering support and guidance as we continue to drive the natural gas industry forward in Georgia.
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